
Migrating from the old schema

Use atlas to extract the schemas:

atlas schema inspect -u "sqlite://database_old.sqlite" --format '{{ json . }}' > schema_old.json

atlas schema inspect -u "sqlite://database.sqlite" --format '{{ json . }}' > schema.json

You can use jq and the playground for looking up values. This is the root path for the database tables:


To filter out the legacy_ and the migration tables and sort for the name of the table:

jq --sort-keys '[.[][].tables[] | select(.name | contains("legacy_") or contains("migration") | not)] | sort_by(.name)'

New schema

The new schema is based on the old one, but with some changes:

New schema

Migration Guide

1. Analysis

  1. Understand the Legacy System: Begin by fully understanding the legacy database schema. Map out tables, relationships, indexes, views, stored procedures, and any other objects.
  2. Determine Requirements: Document the requirements for the new schema. These might be based on performance needs, newer features, or simply a more logical structuring.
  3. Identify Data Types and Transformations: Some data types in the legacy database might not directly map to the new system. Identify these mismatches early.

2. Design

  1. Schema Design: Design the new schema keeping in mind best practices for the specific database platform, as well as any new requirements.
  2. Mapping Document: Create a detailed mapping document to show how data will move from the legacy system to the new one. This should include any transformations or translations required.

3. Development

  1. Write Migration Scripts: Based on the mapping document, write scripts or use ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tools to transfer data from the old to the new schema.
  2. Handle Special Cases: Some data might not transfer cleanly, or might need special processing. Write scripts or processes to handle these cases.
  3. Test the Scripts: Before running the migration in a production environment, test the scripts on a backup or a copy of the legacy database.

4. Testing

  1. Staging Environment: Set up a staging environment that mimics the production system. Run the migration scripts here first.
  2. Data Validation: After migration, validate the data in the new schema. Ensure that all data was transferred correctly and that there are no missing or corrupted records.
  3. Performance Testing: Check the performance of the new schema under load to ensure it meets the requirements.

5. Migration

  1. Backup: Always backup the legacy system before starting the migration.
  2. Downtime: Depending on the migration approach, you might need some downtime. Inform stakeholders and users in advance.
  3. Execute Migration: Run the migration scripts on the production database.
  4. Monitor: After migration, monitor the database for any errors, performance issues, or other potential problems.

6. Post-Migration

  1. Optimization: Based on the monitoring, make any required optimizations to the new schema or system.
  2. Documentation: Update all system documentation to reflect the new database schema and any changes in processes.
  3. Inform Stakeholders: Once the migration is complete and stable, inform all relevant stakeholders.